Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Looking For Smiles

It is often rather disheartening reading the daily newspaper, listening to the radio or watching the TV news programs.  Perhaps I have become sensitive to the overwhelming concentration on tragedies taking place close to home and around the world.  I recently highlighted news articles and the percentage of bad or sad news was so apparent; fires, untimely deaths, accidents and unrest around the world made the headlines.  It would certainly have been rewarding reading about neighbor helping neighbor,  firemen and policemen doing their difficult job, smiles on the old and young and what attributed to the smiles. Yes, smiles is what I needed so I took my camera and headed to Atlantic City Steel Pier. There I found what I was looking for, smiles, laughter and friendliness.


 This young man was very willing to let me take his picture, although I knew he couldn't wait to eat the fries since they filled the air with an aroma difficult to describe.


 What basketball players these youths were. It was amazing how many times they made the basket in 20 seconds.  Perhaps you are looking at a future Michael Jordan.



What goes up must come down.  Once was not enough for the couple they were brave enough to do it again.

The swing attract the young at heart especially those with a strong stomach.

 Sorry sir--it was an almost, no stuffed toy for you.

Now this is a happy smile.  Mom and Dad will have to save their pennies because she will be ready to ride the rides very soon.


 The teacups were slow and easy, would have been good for me.

Dreams are sometimes made on the merry-go-round.

This little princess posed for the picture.  She had a million dollar smile.


The best was yet to come, even adults can't resist a delicious custard cone.


A new character is born with a little face paint.  Cameron suddenly had the power.


The guys were just hanging out.


  Sand and more sand. Over the dune and on to the beach fully geared for a fun day.


  Think like a champion and you might win a prize.


 No, no, no, this can't be happening to me why did the big dude on the end win?

Did someone say I get another turn, okay that's cool.

It was a gem of a day and the smiles were contagious.  Try smiling at the next person you meet.


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