Saturday, February 16, 2013

Meet Kevin

Welcome to Kevin's world.  Kevin is my grandson and he is one of the most important people in my life.  From the time he was a little boy to the present he always has been talented in so many positive ways.  He has a unique ability to create one of a kind items especially items with wheels.  First came the bicycles leading to building a ramp for trick riding. Soon the garage had quads, motorcycles, parts and more parts.  Unfortunately no room for cars, but soon a very large building became Kevin's workshop.  The following photos speak for his favorite passion.



Generally it is during the spring, summer and fall the races take place.  Some races are close by, while others require a distance to travel.

Sometimes the terrain is rough and tangled.  Dry ground is better, because if it is muddy the cyclist looks quite different than when he entered the race.

 This trophy along with another showed Kevin as first place winner.

Today the cycle is ready to ride, but after a trail race, tomorrow it can be scattered on the floor of the garage ready for an overhaul.  He strives for perfection.

It's amazing how many trophies he has.  There are big, small, plaques, figures and at least 99% are first place.

He rides like a real pro because that is what he is.

This is just a sampling of his achievement awards.  There are boxes and boxes of reminders of races won.



From water to dirt a real rider must ride.

There's always room for one more.  I'm just glad this sport is not year round.  When the truck comes in at night, I'm especially glad to know he is home and safe.

This is my favorite photo,  I worry about the extended leg, the tilt of the cycle, and the wooded terrain, but that's what grandmothers do---Worry--!!!




1 comment:

  1. So exciting, powerful and beautiful all at the same time. It would be a dull world if there weren't young guys and girls that took on these type of challenges. Go Kevin!
