Saturday, October 27, 2012

Autumn in the Pines

Living in the northeast certainly has rewards. One being, we are able to enjoy the four seasons.  In winter a snowfall can display a winter wonderland, children experiencing  the childhood joys of throwing snowballs, making snow angels, finding the perfect incline to let gravity take you down hill with the cold wind blowing, turning your cheeks a rosy red.  I had the pleasure of visiting Hawaii several times during the Christmas holiday, and although it was absolutely beautiful something seemed out of place.  A huge blow-up Santa on a shopping mall roof, decorated yards, and Christmas trees, needed something special--a touch of winter.  Some individuals favorite season is spring when green leaves, and gardens show signs of new beginnings.  There are those who enjoy warm sometimes hot summer days.  Vacations, barbecues, beaches, all are typical of the best of summer.  My favorite season is autumn.  I enjoy the colors, Halloween,  festivals, cooler days, and huge pumpkins growing in a field.

The leaves are falling,

They're falling fast,

How much longer

Can autumn last?


The reds, yellows, and golds,

Are sadly losing their magical hold.

Soon the trees will be bare,

The brilliance gone but do not dispair.

Nature has a miraculous surprise,

She has a plan that will open our eyes,

Months from now through rain, wind and snow,

Spring will come offering a lush green show.

Seasons will come,

And seasons will go.

But only nature,

Can put on this spectacular show.                                                      


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