Sunday, May 20, 2012

"Wings" in Flight

It was an interesting day today. Evening was approaching and a moderate wind prevailed. A perfect time for the planes to release their cargo of fertilizer on the precious Pinelands cranberry bogs. Farmers must follow a chemical and fertilizer schedule religiously. Any applications of fertilizer or pesticides must be carefully monitored and approved making certain the grower follows appropriate guidelines. It never becomes boring to watch the pilot dip and dive the plane as he tries to cover all ground area in need of the necessary application.

The pilot watches carefully as the ground crew prepares to load the fertilizer.



As the propellers quickly turned the noise became quite loud but exciting.  It was intriguing seeing the preparation for lift off.


Two planes were serving the area that day.  There are many acres of cranberries in the Pinelands and conditions must be right for the pilots to fly.  Wind, and general weather conditions are factors and the right chemical or fertilizer must be applied  on schedule for the vines to grow and produce their valuable crop.


Suddenly the plane appears.  As the pilot uses his skills to guide the plane over the bog, once again it becomes a job well done.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This hits a homerun with me. I love these airplanes and their unique role in cranberry farming. The farmers are preserving wide open spaces of our land. I am for anything but turning the land over to developers for more housing. Rehabilitation should be reserved for cities. Great photos, Peggy. Farmers are the best!
