Thursday, February 2, 2012

Red Heel Monkeys

Welcome back! The Red Heel Sock Monkeys are making a comeback after a hiatus for a number of years. It was the early part of the twentieth century sock monkeys became a popular, lovable, must have companion. Today's Red Heel Sock Monkeys are achieving notoriety as hats, slippers , puzzles and other clever creations of this classic American icon. Consider yourself fortunate if you can relate to these delightful characters of the past and present.  I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I had taking them.

This is my senior monkey.  His body isn't soft and cuddly because he is stuffed tightly with what appears to be a plastic substance.  He dates to the 1960's  and his suit is made from polyester. 

Sometimes size really counts and if this Red Heel was unwrapped he would be over four feet tall.  I think of him in charge of security since his place is by the door.  He really doesn't do much except make an impression and entertain visitors.

This little treasure was found at a flea market.  He plays the same tune as any jack-in-the-box, but who could resist his adorable expression and lively tune when he does his pop-up.

Visualize these little guys doing a circus act---without a contract.  In 2011 their troupe contained two members, now there are five.

Now that you have met some Red Heel Monkeys perhaps you will  take a second to visit with them when shopping.  Remember they come in all sizes, colors and adorable facial expressions. I like the thought of making your own. Directions are easily found on the Internet.  A pair of socks, stuffing and a little patience will give you a rewarding creation.  HAVE FUN !                   

1 comment:

  1. Another great blog, Peggy. You are putting your hobbies together collecting Sock Monkeys, photography and now creative little narratives!
